17 Excel Hacks: Essential Guide To Converting Negative To Positive Numbers


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Converting negative numbers to positive is a common task in data manipulation, and Excel provides several methods to achieve this. In this guide, we will explore 17 hacks to efficiently convert negative numbers to positive, enhancing your data analysis and reporting capabilities. By mastering these techniques, you’ll streamline your workflow and impress your colleagues or clients with your Excel skills.

Hacks for Converting Negative to Positive Numbers

How To Make Positive Numbers Negative In Excel 3 Easy Ways

Hack 1: Using the ABS Function

How To Change Negative Numbers To Positive In Excel

The ABS function is a built-in Excel function that returns the absolute value of a number, discarding its sign. To convert a negative number to positive, simply apply the ABS function to the cell containing the negative value. For example:


This formula will return the absolute value of the number in cell A1, effectively converting any negative value to a positive one.

Hack 2: Multiplying by -1

17 Excel Hacks Convert Negative To Positive Numbers Easily Excel Web

If you want to convert a range of cells with negative numbers to positive, you can use a simple multiplication formula. Multiply the cells by -1, which will change the sign of the numbers and make them positive. Here’s an example:

=A1 * -1

This formula will take the value in cell A1, multiply it by -1, and return the positive value. You can apply this formula to an entire range of cells to quickly convert multiple negative numbers.

Hack 3: Using the IF Function

How To Convert Negative Number Into Positive Quickly In Excel My

The IF function in Excel allows you to perform conditional formatting based on a specified condition. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by checking if a cell contains a negative value and then returning the absolute value. Here’s how:

=IF(A1<0, ABS(A1), A1)

In this formula, if the value in cell A1 is less than 0, the ABS function is applied to return the absolute value; otherwise, the original value is returned.

Hack 4: Applying Custom Number Formatting

How To Change Negative Numbers To Positive In Excel Quadexcel Com

Excel allows you to apply custom number formatting to cells, which can include converting negative numbers to positive. To do this, select the cells you want to format, go to the “Home” tab, and click on the “Number Format” dropdown. Choose “Custom” and enter the following format code:


This format code will display negative numbers in red and positive numbers without any sign.

Hack 5: Using the SIGN Function

Adding Integer Positive And Negative Numbers

The SIGN function in Excel returns the sign of a number as either -1, 0, or 1. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by multiplying the result of the SIGN function by the absolute value of the number. Here’s an example:

=SIGN(A1) * ABS(A1)

This formula will return the positive value of the number in cell A1.

Hack 6: Creating a Custom Formula

Operations With Positive And Negative Numbers Interactive Worksheets Library

If you prefer a more customizable approach, you can create your own formula to convert negative numbers to positive. Here’s a simple formula you can use:

=IF(A1<0, -A1, A1)

This formula checks if the value in cell A1 is negative and, if so, returns the negative of the absolute value; otherwise, it returns the original value.

Hack 7: Using the MAX Function

Change Negative Numbers To Positive And Vice Versa Extra Features

The MAX function in Excel returns the largest value in a range of cells. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by providing it with an array that includes the negative number and zero. Here’s an example:

=MAX(A1, 0)

This formula will return the larger value between the number in cell A1 and zero, effectively converting any negative value to a positive one.

Hack 8: Applying the % Operator

How To Change Negative Numbers To Positive In Excel Youtube

The % operator in Excel is used for modulo division, but it can also be utilized to convert negative numbers to positive. By multiplying a negative number by -1 using the % operator, you can change its sign. Here’s how:

=A1 % -1

This formula will return the positive value of the number in cell A1.

Hack 9: Using the SUMPRODUCT Function

Rules For Negative And Positive Equations

The SUMPRODUCT function in Excel calculates the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays. You can use this function to convert a range of negative numbers to positive by multiplying each cell by -1. Here’s an example:


This formula will sum the products of the range A1:A10, effectively converting all negative numbers to positive.

Hack 10: Applying the AVERAGE Function

How To Make Negative Numbers Positive In Excel Convert Negative To

The AVERAGE function in Excel calculates the average of a range of cells. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by including the negative numbers and zero in the range. Here’s an example:

=AVERAGE(A1:A10, 0)

This formula will calculate the average of the range A1:A10 and zero, ensuring that any negative numbers are converted to positive.

Hack 11: Using the TRIM Function

The TRIM function in Excel removes extra spaces from a text string. While it’s primarily used for text manipulation, you can utilize it to convert negative numbers to positive by removing the negative sign. Here’s how:

=IF(A1<0, TRIM(A1), A1)

This formula checks if the value in cell A1 is negative and, if so, removes the negative sign using the TRIM function; otherwise, it returns the original value.

Hack 12: Applying the SUBSTITUTE Function

The SUBSTITUTE function in Excel replaces specific text in a string with new text. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by substituting the negative sign with an empty string. Here’s an example:

=SUBSTITUTE(A1, "-", "")

This formula will replace the negative sign in cell A1 with an empty string, effectively converting the negative number to a positive one.

Hack 13: Using the VALUE Function

The VALUE function in Excel converts a text string to a numeric value. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by passing the negative number as a text string and then converting it to a number. Here’s how:


This formula substitutes the negative sign with an empty string, effectively removing the negative sign, and then converts the text string to a numeric value.

Hack 14: Applying the ROUND Function

The ROUND function in Excel rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. While it’s primarily used for rounding, you can use it to convert negative numbers to positive by rounding the number to a very high decimal place. Here’s an example:

=ROUND(A1, 1000000000000000000)

By rounding the number to a very high decimal place, the negative sign is effectively removed, resulting in a positive value.

Hack 15: Using the MROUND Function

The MROUND function in Excel rounds a number to the nearest specified multiple. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by rounding them to a positive multiple. Here’s how:

=MROUND(A1, 1)

This formula will round the number in cell A1 to the nearest positive multiple of 1, effectively converting any negative value to a positive one.

Hack 16: Applying the CEILING Function

The CEILING function in Excel rounds a number up to the nearest specified multiple. You can use this function to convert negative numbers to positive by rounding them up to a positive multiple. Here’s an example:


This formula will round the number in cell A1 up to the nearest positive multiple of 1, ensuring that any negative value is converted to a positive one.

Hack 17: Using the FLOOR Function

The FLOOR function in Excel rounds a number down to the nearest specified multiple. Similar to the CEILING function, you can use the FLOOR function to convert negative numbers to positive by rounding them down to a positive multiple. Here’s how:

=FLOOR(A1, 1)

This formula will round the number in cell A1 down to the nearest positive multiple of 1, resulting in a positive value.


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In this guide, we explored 17 hacks to efficiently convert negative numbers to positive in Excel. From built-in functions like ABS and SIGN to custom formulas and number formatting, you now have a wide range of tools to tackle this common data manipulation task. By applying these hacks, you can streamline your data analysis, reporting, and visualization processes, making your Excel spreadsheets more accurate and visually appealing. Remember to choose the method that best suits your specific needs and data requirements.


How To Make Negative Numbers Positive In Excel Convert Negative To Positive Numbers Earn Amp Excel

What is the ABS function in Excel used for?


The ABS function returns the absolute value of a number, ignoring its sign. It’s commonly used to convert negative numbers to positive.

Can I convert a range of cells with negative numbers to positive using a single formula?


Yes, you can use a formula like =A1 * -1 to convert an entire range of cells with negative numbers to positive.

How can I apply custom number formatting to convert negative numbers to positive?


Select the cells, go to the “Home” tab, choose “Custom” from the “Number Format” dropdown, and enter the format code Red;(#,##0) to display negative numbers in red and positive numbers without a sign.