15 Ways To Print Your Excel Chart: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Success

Introducing Excel Charts

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Excel charts are powerful tools that can help you visualize your data in a meaningful way. They offer a clear and concise representation of your information, allowing you to identify patterns, trends, and correlations at a glance. Whether you're a business analyst, a student, or a data enthusiast, mastering the art of printing Excel charts is essential for effective communication and decision-making.

1. Print from the Excel Interface

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The most straightforward way to print your Excel chart is directly from the Excel interface. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Excel workbook and navigate to the worksheet containing the chart you want to print.
  2. Click on the chart to select it. You should see a border around the chart, indicating it's selected.
  3. Go to the File tab at the top left corner of the Excel window.
  4. Choose Print from the menu options. This will open the Print dialogue box.
  5. In the Print dialogue box, you can customize your print settings. You can choose the printer, select the number of copies, and adjust the print quality.
  6. Click on the Print button to send your chart to the printer.

Note: Ensure your printer is properly connected and set up before printing.

2. Print to PDF

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Printing your Excel chart to a PDF file is a great way to share your data visually without the need for Excel. Here's how:

  1. Select your chart as described in the previous method.
  2. Go to the File tab and choose Print.
  3. In the Print dialogue box, look for the Destination or Printer drop-down menu.
  4. Select Save as PDF from the list of options.
  5. Choose a location on your computer to save the PDF file and click Save.

Note: You can open and view the PDF file using any PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

3. Print a Specific Chart

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If your Excel worksheet contains multiple charts, you might want to print only one specific chart. Here's how to do it:

  1. Select the chart you want to print by clicking on it.
  2. Press Ctrl + P on your keyboard to open the Print dialogue box directly.
  3. In the Print dialogue box, you'll see a preview of your selected chart.
  4. Adjust any print settings as needed and click Print to send the chart to the printer.

4. Print Multiple Charts

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If you have multiple charts on your Excel worksheet and want to print them all at once, follow these steps:

  1. Select all the charts you want to print. You can do this by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on each chart.
  2. Once all the desired charts are selected, press Ctrl + P to open the Print dialogue box.
  3. In the Print dialogue box, you'll see a preview of all the selected charts.
  4. Set your print options and click Print to send the charts to the printer.

5. Adjust Print Area

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Sometimes, you might want to print only a specific portion of your Excel worksheet, including the chart. You can adjust the print area to include only the desired cells:

  1. Select the chart and any additional cells you want to include in the print area.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab at the top of the Excel window.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Print Area drop-down menu and select Set Print Area.
  4. Now, when you go to print, only the selected area will be included in the printout.

6. Print with Gridlines and Headings

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By default, Excel charts are printed without gridlines and headings. If you want to include these elements in your printout, follow these steps:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Sheet Options group, check the boxes for Print Gridlines and Print Headings.
  4. Your chart will now include gridlines and headings when printed.

7. Print with Specific Page Setup

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Excel allows you to customize the page setup for your chart printout. You can adjust paper size, orientation, and margins:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon in the bottom-right corner.
  4. The Page Setup dialogue box will appear. Here, you can adjust various page setup options.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialogue box.

8. Print with Scaling

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If your chart is too large to fit on a single page, you can scale it down to fit the paper size. Here's how:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Scale to Fit group, adjust the Width and Height values to scale the chart down.
  4. You can also use the Scale drop-down menu to quickly adjust the scaling.

9. Print with Page Breaks

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When printing large charts, you might need to break the chart across multiple pages. Excel allows you to control page breaks:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Breaks drop-down menu.
  4. Choose Insert Page Break to manually insert a page break.
  5. Alternatively, you can use Remove Page Break to remove an existing page break.

10. Print with Watermark

Adding a watermark to your Excel chart printout can give it a professional touch. Here's how to add a watermark:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Page Setup dialogue box, go to the Sheet tab.
  5. Under Header & Footer, click on the Custom Footer or Custom Header button.
  6. In the Header/Footer dialogue box, you can add text or images as a watermark.
  7. Click OK to apply the watermark and close the dialogue boxes.

11. Print with Background Color

Applying a background color to your Excel chart printout can make it stand out. Here's how to add a background color:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Page Setup dialogue box, go to the Sheet tab.
  5. Under Background, click on the Fill Effects button.
  6. In the Fill Effects dialogue box, choose a color or gradient for the background.
  7. Click OK to apply the background color and close the dialogue boxes.

12. Print with Custom Margins

Excel allows you to set custom margins for your chart printout. This can be useful when you want to fit more content on a page or create a specific layout:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Page Setup dialogue box, go to the Margins tab.
  5. Adjust the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin values as needed.
  6. Click OK to apply the custom margins.

13. Print with Page Orientation

You can choose between portrait and landscape orientation for your Excel chart printout. Here's how to adjust the page orientation:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Page Setup dialogue box, go to the Sheet tab.
  5. Under Page Setup, choose either Portrait or Landscape orientation.
  6. Click OK to apply the orientation change.

14. Print with Page Size

Excel offers various paper size options for your chart printout. You can choose from standard sizes like A4 or Letter, or you can set a custom size:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab.
  3. In the Page Setup group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Page Setup dialogue box, go to the Sheet tab.
  5. Under Page Setup, choose the desired paper size from the drop-down menu.
  6. Alternatively, you can click on More Paper Sizes to set a custom size.
  7. Click OK to apply the paper size change.

15. Print with High-Quality Settings

If you want your Excel chart printout to look its best, you can adjust the print quality settings. Here's how:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the File tab and choose Print.
  3. In the Print dialogue box, look for the Print Quality or Print Settings options.
  4. Choose the highest quality setting available for your printer.
  5. Click Print to send the chart to the printer with high-quality settings.


Mastering the art of printing Excel charts is a valuable skill for anyone working with data. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively visualize and communicate your data with stunning charts. Whether you're printing directly from Excel, creating PDF files, or customizing your print settings, these techniques will help you achieve visual success with your Excel charts.


How can I print only the chart and not the entire worksheet?

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To print only the chart and not the entire worksheet, you can follow these steps: Select the chart, press Ctrl + P to open the Print dialogue box, and ensure that only the chart is selected in the preview. This way, only the chart will be printed.

Can I print multiple charts on a single page?

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Yes, you can print multiple charts on a single page. Select all the charts you want to print, open the Print dialogue box, and adjust the scaling and layout options to fit multiple charts on one page.

How do I add a title to my Excel chart before printing?

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To add a title to your Excel chart, select the chart and go to the Chart Design tab. Click on Add Chart Element and select Title. You can then enter the desired title for your chart.

Can I print Excel charts in black and white?

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Yes, you can print Excel charts in black and white. In the Print dialogue box, you can select the printer settings and choose the option for grayscale or black and white printing.

How do I adjust the size of my Excel chart for printing?

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To adjust the size of your Excel chart for printing, select the chart and go to the Page Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, use the Scale to Fit options to adjust the width and height of the chart to fit your desired size.